Art & Words Show

The Art & Words Show ran from 2013-2020 but is no longer in operation. To view the art from the 2020 Art & Words Show, download the PDF.

What was the Art & Words Show?

The Art & Words Show ran from 2013-2020 and is no longer running.

Alicia Froidl (56)
Opening remarks at the 2017 show

The first Art & Words Show took place in 2012. For these shows, I accepted ten-twelve visual pieces of art and ten-twelve written pieces (poetry, flash fiction, and flash nonfiction). Each writer whose work I chose then picked, from the visual submissions, one piece of visual art on to use as inspiration to compose a new written work. Each visual artist then chose one of the written pieces to use as inspiration for a second visual work. This silent collaboration produced about forty-four incredible, original works of art and words, which were displayed at Art on the Boulevard in Fort Worth, Texas, for one week. An opening reception was held the first night of the show. At the show’s opening, I hosted the reading of the written pieces.

Gayle--Alicia Froidl (66)
Gayle Reaves-King reads at the 2017 show

Celebrating Our Participants

Several of the written works from the shows were reprinted from magazines or went on to be published in magazines, some of which you can read for free, linked below.

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  1. Hope to participate this year!

  2. Steven Huerstel Avatar

    This is such a great idea. Just curious is this something you came up with or is it done in other cities/towns? I would be interested in doing this in my own city(N.O.)(if its not already being done).
    With your blessing/evolvement… Of course. Thanks for all the info and inspiration.

    1. Hi, Steven,

      I came up with the idea for this particular show, though a woman in Florida puts together a similar event every year, and I’ve heard of other galleries that have explored similar concepts. Certainly feel free to start your own in your city. If you have any questions, feel free to email me. Otherwise, I have no ownership of the idea and wish you the best of luck. Thank you!

  3. Hello Bonnie,

    What a terrific project. Who is it in Florida who does something similar?

    1. Thank you!

      Oops, I was wrong; it’s the Vision/Verse collaborative art show in Lake Charles, Lousisana that I was thinking of. My apologies.

  4. For written submissions, is it 3 pieces of 1000 words/each? Or up to 3 pieces, 1000 words total? Thanks!

    1. Good question; it’s 1,000 words each.

  5. Can you consider PDFs of written work? My poems have several visual elements and complex formatting that is sometimes lost in MS word, particularly in the translation from Mac to PC.

  6. Savannah Hendricks Avatar
    Savannah Hendricks

    When submitting the 3 pieces of writing, do those pieces need to be unpublished since 1 would be picked as part of the 2 for the show? Thanks 🙂

    1. They can be unpublished or published. Since I’m not technically publishing the works, it does not matter if they have been previously published or not. If you want to make sure I note their prior publication on the broadsides, please make sure you tell me where it has been published before.

  7. I am in LOVE with this idea! As a mixed media artist this brings the term “mixed media” to a whole new level. Hoping to send something your way soon.

  8. Can a sculpture be submitted as the art?

    1. Yes, but please keep in mind shipping costs to ship the piece to Texas if not in the area. For larger, more expensive items, the artist will be responsible for both shipping to the gallery and back to you after the show, should the piece not sell.

  9. This is an excellent idea! I am curious about your response time – when will you be announcing your decisions?

    1. If I know for certain that the piece will not be a good fit, I will respond within seven days.

      Otherwise, I like to hold submissions until the end of the month, so I can consider them all among the others. The people I hold for further condiersation will hear back about the 7th of April.


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